The Infidel 2010

Comedy Drama

An identity crisis comedy centred on Mahmud Nasir, successful business owner, and salt of the earth East End Muslim who discovers that he's adopted - and Jewish.

Tous les titres
  • UA: The Infidel The Infidel
  • AR: Ni de Aquí, Ni de Alá Ni de Aquí, Ni de Alá
  • AU: The Reluctant Infidel The Reluctant Infidel
  • BR: Santa Paciência Santa Paciência
  • DE: Alles koscher! Alles koscher!
  • IT: Infedele per caso Infedele per caso
  • PT: O Infiel O Infiel
  • RU: Неверный Неверный
  • SE: Infidel Infidel
Date de sortie 30 Jun 2011
Lien IMDb
